Be You Virtual Conference 2021

Wellbeing: You, Me, Us
Educator wellbeing and inclusion in early learning services and schools
The Be You Virtual Conference 2021 (held 24 and 25 March) helped educators grow their understanding about working together to help every child, young person, educator and family achieve their best possible mental health.
Check out these keynote presentations, case studies and panel sessions to discover how to look after your own wellbeing and make sure everyone feels included in your learning community.
You can access individual session video recordings, transcripts and related resources through the links below:
Day 1: Educator wellbeing

Setting the scene for wellbeing
Discover how learning communities are supporting educator wellbeing for the wellbeing of their early learning service or school.

Enhancing everyone’s wellbeing – one transition at a time
This session presents a range of practical strategies to support positive transitions in early learning settings.

Recognising, reflecting on and responding to grief and loss in a school community
This session focuses on how grief and loss in a school community can impact on staff, and what can be done in response to prioritise and sustain wellbeing for self and for others.

Taking the lead: The principles of wellbeing
This session empowers school leadership staff to acknowledge the importance of their own self-care and promote wellbeing among all staff.

In conversation with Be You: A whole learning community approach to wellbeing
Johanna Griggs, Beyond Blue Board Director, and members of the Be You Team host a conversation on educator wellbeing and how to embed it in a whole learning community approach to wellbeing.
Day 2: Inclusion in learning communities

Working with and walking alongside – Protective factors to support communities recovering from adverse experiences
This session brings the educator voice to the forefront. Hear an educator from a bushfire-affected community tell stories of recovery using community development principles to support inclusion, and learn about the protective factors that can support community recovery from adverse experiences.

Acknowledging and encouraging diversity in your learning community
This session examines the role of education settings in valuing cultural diversity and offers practical strategies and opportunities for promoting inclusion.

A culture of compassion – for self and others
This presentation explores how self-compassion and compassion for families, children and the wider community is a protective factor in supporting mental health.

Inclusive practices for mentally healthy communities
Explore how mental health and inclusive practice is inextricably combined. This session prompts you to consider what inclusion really looks like in your learning community and offers practical examples and strategies to use in your setting.

In conversation with Be You: Sustaining care for yourself and others
This Q&A panel discussion wraps up key topics and themes across the two-day conference, summarises learnings and shares sustainable strategies for mental health and wellbeing in your learning community.
Last updated: November, 2024