After you have noticed the early signs of mental health issues, and inquired sensitively about an individual's circumstances, now might be the time to provide early support.
If a child or young person requires support because of a mental health issue, you need to understand your role and the role of others. Here are a few areas educators can consider when providing early support.
The benefits of a coordinated approach
As an educator, providing support doesn’t mean you need to be a mental health professional or to find a solution to the problem yourself.
Schools and early learning services should have established policies and procedures in place to guide you.
Reflect in your next team meeting by asking: "Are our mental health support and referral policies and procedures in need of updating? What would we change? Who should we consult?"
Reducing stigma and seeking support
The stigma associated with seeking support from a mental health professional is a barrier for many people. Early learning services and schools can help reduce this stigma, and improve access to support services.
Services and schools can reduce stigma by:
- discussing mental health openly
- being aware of available services and what they offer
- offering to assist with referrals and attending sessions where appropriate
- encouraging support services to attend the early learning service or school to reduce transport and access issues.
Considering confidentiality is key
Confidentiality is an important consideration for all educators and mental health professionals.
Families will be unlikely to access mental health services and support if they believe their confidence will be broken, or if they’re not sure how their confidential information will be handled.
To support children and young people’s confidentiality, seek to:
- ask families, children and young people explicitly about their expectations about any information to be shared
- be very clear about the limits of your confidentiality
- avoid disclosing personal stories.
Have a conversation with Be You
Be You Consultants are available to support you in developing your capacity to provide early support.
Discuss your approaches and next steps in a Be You Conversation. You can explore our Provide module in the Early Support domain.