Who can I talk to for immediate mental health support?
If you are concerned about someone at risk of immediate harm, call 000 or go to your nearest hospital emergency department.
If you need to speak with someone urgently, call Lifeline 13 11 14 or Suicide Call Back Service 1300 659 467.
Be You has also compiled a list of mental health services and support helplines available.
What is Be You?
Be You is the national mental health in education initiative delivered by Beyond Blue, in collaboration with Early Childhood Australia and headspace. Be You equips educators to support the mental health and wellbeing of children and young people from birth to 18 years, providing an end-to-end approach for early learning services, primary schools, and secondary schools across Australia.
Be You supports mental health promotion, prevention, early intervention and suicide response and support. The initiative develops educators’ mental health literacy, providing the knowledge, understanding and skills to promote the mental health of children and young people. Be You supports early learning services and schools to develop a positive, inclusive and responsive learning community where every child, young person, educator and family can achieve their best possible mental health.
A Be You Consultant, or team of consultants, can guide registered early learning services and schools to implement a whole learning community approach to mental health and wellbeing. This includes helping educators apply Be You resources in their learning communities and connect with like-minded educators. They also help learning communities prepare for – and respond to – critical incidents, such as natural disasters, family violence or the death of a student, staff member or family member. -
How do I register for Be You?
To register as an individual educator or staff member, visit: Register.
How do I register my early learning service or school for Be You?
To register your learning community, visit: Becoming a Be You Learning Community
How do I solve an issue with my Be You account?
For any questions relating to your Be You account, check our our Be You account frequently asked questions page.
I’m experiencing technical difficulties. Who can help?
Please first ensure that you're using an appropriate web browser. We recommend using a recent version of Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Apple Safari, or Internet Explorer.
If errors persist when using a recommended browser, please contact the Be You team. When filling the enquiries form, select website feedback or support request under Subject. We will be in touch shortly.
How can I update My Profile details?
To update your profile details, including if you have changed services or schools, follow the steps below.
- Log in to Be You.
- Go to the Be You account menu on the top right and select My Profile.
- On your profile page, you can change your name, email address, early learning service or school name, organisation stream, teacher registration number and state or territory. Save your changes by clicking Update Account.
- To update your service or school, click Change under the category ‘Community’ and search for your service or school name. Once you have selected your service or school name click Update.
What are the roles of the project partners?
Beyond Blue is the lead organisation of Be You. The two key delivery partners are Early Childhood Australia (ECA), who support early learning school age care services, and headspace, who support primary and secondary schools.
To learn more, visit Organisations involved. -
What does Be You professional development include?
Be You professional development incorporates Professional Learning, consisting of 16 modules grouped under 5 domain areas, with content centred around mentally healthy communities. To learn more, visit: Professional Learning.
A wide range of tools, guides and information resources are available to support implementation and help educators translate professional learning to their educational setting. To learn more, visit: Resources.
Can I use Be You Professional Learning to support my professional development requirements as a teacher?
Modules within the Be You Professional Learning domains meet the requirements for teacher-identified professional learning across all states and territories. Each module is aligned to the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers. At the completion of each module, a certificate will be awarded.
All registered teachers must ensure they have added their state or territory to the My Profile page.
ACT educators: the Be You Professional Learning is accredited with the ACT Teacher Quality Institute (TQI). Further details can be found on each module page. TQI registered teachers must add their TQI number and state or territory to the My Profile page to ensure that completed professional learning is recognised with TQI. TQI will be notified of all completed professional learning weekly.
NSW educators: There are Be You Professional Learning modules that contribute NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) accredited professional learning.Refer to each module page for more information about whether they are accredited.
For any other questions, please Contact us.
What if I can't see my completed Be You Professional Learning in my NESA or TQI teaching portal?
In the ACT, completions by all users is uploaded to the TQI portal weekly. This process usually begins on Tuesdays and upload of all entries can take approximately two (2) business days to complete.
In NSW, accredited module completions by all users is uploaded to the NESA portal monthly, within the first six (6) business days of the month.
If you still can't see your completed Be You Professional Learning reflected in your NESA or TQI portal following the upload period, please check that you have added your NESA or TQI Number and state or territory to the My Profile page, and Contact Us. -
What is the role of Be You Consultants?
Over 70 trained, dedicated Be You Consultants from Early Childhood Australia and headspace support services and schools by:
- helping identify current strengths and areas for further development to build a mentally healthy community
- guiding to relevant Be You tools and resources to support progress towards goal setting and action
- furthering understanding of parallels with other initiatives and mandates
- regularly checking in to support continuous improvement, discuss challenges and celebrate achievements.
Every early learning service and school is assigned a Be You Consultant to support them on their journey. The support provided is likely to vary within each service or school and will be flexible based on need. To learn more, visit: Become a Be You Learning Community.
I’m a pre-service educator. How will Be You work for me, and how do I get started?
To learn about how Be You works for pre-service educators, visit: Get started: Pre-service educators.
I’m an educator. How will Be You work for me, and how do I get started?
To learn about how Be You works for educators, visit: Get started: Educators.
I’m an early learning service or school leader. How will Be You work for me, and how do I get started?
To learn about how Be You works for leaders, visit: Get started: Leaders.
I want to be an Action Team Leader, or part of an Action Team. How will Be You work for me, and how do I get started?
To learn about how Be You works for Action Teams, visit: Get started: Action Teams.
Is there a cost to educators, early learning services and schools?
Be You is free for any pre-service educator and staff member in any early learning service, primary or secondary school across Australia. The initiative is fully funded by the Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care.
Our learning community was previously engaged in KidsMatter or MindMatters. Are we still being acknowledged for our commitment?
Early learning services and schools that have previously engaged in KidsMatter or MindMatters have been acknowledged for their ongoing efforts in Be You. Each learning community has been recognised as a Be You Learning Community, which is reflected on your learning community dashboard as a badge.
The Be You team encourages all learning communities to continuously reflect on their learnings, celebrate their successes, and plan for action with a focus on continuous improvement.
I previously held an individual MindMatters account. How does Be You support me to continue my learning?
Be You builds on the successes of the MindMatters learning journey, providing updated content, new areas of learning, and additional tools and resources, all drawing on the latest evidence and research.
By registering with Be You, individual educators have the opportunity to engage in 13 additional hours of professional learning, supporting their continued professional development.
My learning community used the Be You Surveys before the platform changed in 2020. Are my results still available?
All Be You Surveys results are still available on the new Qualtrics platform. During the transfer of data from People Pulse to Qualtrics, all questions were mapped and can be seen in your results dashboard.
What are the benefits of participating in Be You?
Be You helps learning communities continue to foster a positive, supportive and inclusive environment where all staff have appropriate mental health literacy and feel empowered to work towards better mental health; and where children and young people feel safe and supported to speak up when something is worrying them.
To learn about the benefits of Be You for your setting, visit: Get started.
Why do we need Be You?
A child or young person’s mental health is just as important as their physical health. Evidence-informed programs focusing on children during early learning and school years improve educational outcomes, can reduce the need for mental health treatment in their adult years, and limit intergenerational cycles of poor mental health.
To read about the evidence base behind Be You, visit: Evidence base.
What is the history of Be You?
To learn about the history of Be You, visit: History of Be You.
How do I submit a program for inclusion in the Programs Directory?
Program providers can apply at any time.
Programs must meet the following minimum entry requirements to be considered the Programs Directory. A program must:
- align with one or more of the five Be You professional learning domains
- align to the Australian Curriculum or National Quality Framework
- be available in Australia
- be supported by a training/delivery/implementation manual or guide
- be offered as more than a one-off session (i.e. offer multiple sequential sessions, either as a set series of sessions or on an as-needs basis)
- target one of the following audiences as the intended beneficiary: children, young people, parents, carers or families, early childhood educators, teachers, School Age Care educators
- have at least one research or evaluation study that demonstrates:
- a positive impact on mental health outcomes for children or young people
- a minimum of 20 participants in the study who received the program.
Once the application is verified as meeting the minimum entry requirements, it will be assessed within 7 weeks.
For more information, see About the Programs Directory or the Programs Directory FAQs.
How have mental health and education experts been engaged throughout the development of Be You?
Since receiving appointment by the Australian Government Department of Health to lead the national education initiative in June 2017, Beyond Blue has established governance structures, advisory groups and networks comprising over 400 advisers from Australia’s leading organisations to support the design, development and implementation of the initiative.
These groups bring together experts from across the country in education, mental health, suicide prevention, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander education, research and evaluation, behaviour change and implementation science. We’ve also engaged a wide range of education stakeholders including Australian Government and state and territory Departments of Education and Health staff, peak bodies, professional associations, accreditation bodies, tertiary institutions and educational research organisations.
How are previous programs (KidsMatter, MindMatters, headspace School Support) integrated into the new initiative?
Be You builds on the success and learnings from five previous programs aimed at promoting social and emotional health and wellbeing for children and young people in the education space – KidsMatter Early Childhood, KidsMatter Primary MindMatters, Response Ability and headspace School Support. Be You is building on the evidence base and ten years of experience from these programs. The learnings from these programs are integrated into Be You – one single, national initiative delivered through early learning services, primary and secondary schools.
To learn more, visit: History of Be You. -
Is there alignment with existing frameworks?
Be You Professional Learning has been developed to align with existing state and territory education, Independent or Catholic schools’ social and emotional wellbeing frameworks. It also reinforces the National Quality Standard and Australian Professional Standards for Teachers. Through implementing what’s learned, educators will be supported in their delivery of the Early Years Learning Framework and the Australian Curriculum.
Can families access Be You?
Be You offers Professional Learning on partnership with families and community, including: how educators can partner with families to promote positive mental health and wellbeing; strategies for how to develop strong and purposeful relationships with families to help support children and young people’s wellbeing; and strategies for educators to assist families to access appropriate mental health supports and services for their children.
Parts of Be You are freely available to the public, including parents and families, to read.
We encourage participating early learning services and schools to include families on their Action Teams. To learn more, visit: Get started: Action Teams.
What is the National Workforce Support Initiative?
The National Workforce Centre for Child Mental Health, led by Emerging Minds, provides a single-entry point for both clinical and non-clinical professionals working with children, parents and families to identify, support and refer children at risk of developing mental health difficulties and promote resilience building. This initiative particularly supports providers working with children who would benefit from early intervention, including those who have experienced trauma, and supports professionals in working with parents and families of these children.
The National Workforce Centre for Child Mental Health sits alongside Be You, allowing for a multi-directional approach to improving children and young peoples’ mental health and wellbeing, as part of the Australian Government’s National Support for Child and Youth Mental Health Program.
Frequently asked questions

Last updated: November, 2024